Bakshi, Indira and Payne, Doris L. 1998. Vowel harmony and transitive verb classes in Panare: Where are the consonant-initial roots?. In Estrada Fernández, Z. and Acosta Félix, Andrés and Figueroa Esteva, Max and López Cruz, Gerardo (eds.), Lenguas indígenas, 95–115. Hermosillo, Mexico: Unison.
@incollection{bakshi1998vowel, address = {Hermosillo, Mexico}, author = {Bakshi, Indira and Payne, Doris L.}, booktitle = {Lenguas indígenas}, editor = {Estrada Fernández, Z. and Acosta Félix, Andrés and Figueroa Esteva, Max and López Cruz, Gerardo}, pages = {95–115}, publisher = {Unison}, title = {Vowel harmony and transitive verb classes in Panare: Where are the consonant-initial roots?}, volume = {1}, year = {1998} }